Friday, July 13, 2018

Judo Mats Delhi: The Modern Martial Art

Judo is a modern martial art incepted in Japan. It was introduced to the world by Professor Jigoro Kano. Judo derives its inspiration from the older martial art jujitsu. Many of the rules and regulations of the modern martial arts are adapted from the older martial art forms.
History of Judo
Professor Kano began teaching judo in 1882 on a 12 by 18-foot mat in a large hall. The first year class had 9 students.
Today, judo is a popular martial art form across the world. In India too, this martial art form is widely practiced. There are many instructors who are well-versed in this art form. There are many manufacturers that provide the best quality judo mats Delhi.
Objective of Judo

Judo is a competitive sport. The main objective of the game is to beat the opponent. The player must score more points than the opponent to win the match. The players score points on holding and throwing. Penalties are also awarded in the match.
Equipment Required in Judo
The only equipment required for judo is a judo mat, also known as tatami. The standard size of a judo mat is 14m X 14 m. The contest area of 10m X 10m is marked within the mat.
As judo is popular in India, there are many judo mat manufacturers in Delhi. The manufacturers offer judo mats Delhi in various sizes, thickness, dimensions, as well as designs.
Scoring in Judo
In a judo bout, there are three kinds of scoring that an athlete could achieve. Ippon is the best score. It awards immediate victory. It can be achieved if a player throws the opponent in such a way that the opponent lands on his back.
Another score is waza-ari. It is half-point. Two waza-ari in one bout also leads to victory.
The third score is yuko. The score is awarded on immobilizing holds for a shorter duration, as well as less effective locks and throws.  

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